There’s still trouble in toyland.
Dangerous levels of lead and hazardous chemicals continue to pop up in some popular children’s products.
The Barbie Bike Flair Accessory Kit and Dora the Explorer Activity Tote tested with some of the highest lead readings out of nearly 700 kids’ toys surveyed by HealthyStuff.org, a project of the Ecology Center.
The third annual study, available in years past at HealthyToys.org, screens toys and youth apparel for harmful substances that have been linked to developmental and learning disabilities.
Although public awareness and stricter federal oversight have led to a 67% drop in toys containing lead since 2007, 18% of the 737 products tested this year still show lead contamination. Toxic chemicals, including mercury, cadmium, arsenic and bromine, were also found in two-thirds of the items.
"While the good news is that we see a downward trend in lead, we don’t see that in the other chemicals, which tells us that there is still work to do," says Jeff Gearhart, research director at the Ecology Center. "Clearly this is still a huge problem, even with lead."
Babies and young children are especially vulnerable to these toxins because their brains and bodies are still developing, and they often put things in their mouths.
"Many of these chemicals, lead most obviously, are neurotoxins," explains Gearhart. "They can cause lifelong problems for children." Lead poisoning can affect brain development and even kidney functions, according to research.
So Gearhart urges parents to do the research before they do their holiday shopping.
HealthyStuff.org features a complete list of this year’s toxic toy rankings. But buyers should still beware, as the survey tested just a sample of the many gadgets and garments lining store shelves.
"This is just the
He recommends avoiding children’s jewelry, which is most likely to contain high levels of lead and chemicals. Parents should also stay away from polyvinyl chloride plastic, or PVC, which often has harmful additives.
"People can look for toy certification on the packaging to see if a toy has been tested to a government or third-party standard," he says.
Staying informed and involved is a shopper’s best weapon. "We really want to use this opportunity to raise the issue," says Gearhart. "There are going to be bills introduced, probably before the end of the year, to do this reform.
"Ultimately, we want to have a regulation system in place so that when you go to buy a product, you can feel confident that it is going to be safe for your children."
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